Hearts n' Flowers team vg4aheartsandflowers@gmail.com
Louise Robinson
Christine Scott
Orleen MacLulich
The Hearts n’ Flowers team supports and acknowledges members through such events as 80th birthdays, celebrations, illness, hard times and loss. The team relies on members and working group chairs to keep them informed of any members needing a card. Since we are a group of 125+ members with varying degrees and years of involvement with VG4A, the team discusses the appropriate response to each situation.
1. Response when a VG4A member dies:
* Inform all members in a brief email and in more detail in a newsletter.
* When appropriate, acknowledge at a meeting, considering length of membership and contributions
2. Response when a member is in need of support beyond just a card:
We rely on organic or ‘natural’ liaisons between our team and members in need of support. We recognize that most people will have a circle of family and friends to provide support. It is not up to our team to co-ordinate this support but to work in a liaison role when needed. The onus is on working groups to inform Hearts ‘n Flowers of issues.
If you know of someone in need of a card,